The Face of Christopher Columbus?
Using Morphing Technology to Arrive at a Composite Portrait

Paul Martin Lester E-mail or Home Page

Originally published in Visual Anthropology, Vol. 7, pp. 97-98

Morphing technology was used to produce a composite portrait of Christopher Columbus. This resulted in the portrait shown in Figure 1. Figure 2, referring back to the previous article, illustrates how each "original" portrait shown in the extreme right and left columns was scanned as a PICT file at 72dpi. The images were cropped, flipped (if necessary) and similarly sized using Adobe PhotoShop 2.5.1. Each pair of portraits was then turned into a composite image using the Morph 1.0 program by Gryphon. Morphed pairs were finally combined to make the composite image of Columbus seen in the middle of Figure 2.
